Wednesday, 2 May 2007

The IRAQI Prime Minister :

Today the Newspapers in Baghdad delivered the good news that Prime Minster Maliki will be Granting 2 Million Iraqi Dinnars ( = 1562 $) to every Family of the victims from the Kerbala Bombing which took place couple days ago. This generosity is not the first of its kind from the "Iraqi" prime Minister. Last week Prime Minister Maliki distributed money on the victims and shop owners in Karad which witnessed bombings on January 25th of this year. And he also gave 2 Millions to the Families of those who were killed in Sadr City bombings late June 2006 and one Million to those who were injured.

Before that Prime Minister Ja'afari also ordered generous financial compensations to the Victims of the Shiat stampede on the 2 Imams Bridge between Kadhumyia and A'adhamyia over 18 months ago. He was so generous that people started to wish if their wife or Mother died in that stampede.

Do not get me wrong, I'm not against generosity, I'm all for it. I'm even more pro generosity when the Prime Minister is involved and innocent Victims are benefiting from it. But when all that generosity is heading in one direction only and the simple rights of others are not granted, then questions should be asked.

Has not been there MAJOR bombings as well in Kirkuk ( at least twice) with many people getting killed there. Have not there been Major Bombed Trucks with Chloride gas, in Amiryiat Al-Falluja. Have not been there Major Bombing in Telafar whose Sonies and shiat Killed in the same time? Are those people killed on those bombings less human than the first group?! Why the " Iraqi " Prime Minister is always Generous with his compensations when the area is Purely shait and the Victims are Mainly Shiat. Are they Afraid that this Money would Go To sonnies (God Forbids).

In order to be fear and Call your self an " Iraqi Prime Minister" and head of a " National Unity Government" you should be just in your generosity with all the Iraqis, so that all the Iraqis consider you as their Prime Minster and not look at you as the SHIAT Prime Minster. You are seeking recognition from the entire world while your own people do not recognize you as their Prime Minister.

So you either be equally generous to every one or do not call your self "Iraqi" Prime Minster.


I was there.. said...

The money that was suppose to go to Sunnis went to Iran to buy Date-Palm trees of the previous blog, and we will all be happy to see colored date-palm trees instead of those one colored trees that God created, and if Sunnis will be good boys , he will send them some some of those colored trees..
The way he is looking at it that Sunnis are killing Shiites this is why he is doing this and if he is thinking this way, how he will go with his project of reconciliation,
Say Zee Zee if he will be able to do it while he thinks this way..
(You know what Zee Zee means?)
I know about this because,
I was there..

Al-Rasheed said...

there??!! where There ??!! in Zee Zee ;-)

I was there.. said...

Yeh in the middle of the Shit..
I was there..

CMAR II said...


Welcome to Bloghdad, Rasheed. I'm looking forward to seeing your posts.

One thing, the last three of your four posts so far have been the most brazenly, unmitigatedly sectarian that I have seen among Iraqi bloggers writing in English.

Is this the direction you expect to go with all your posts?

Anonymous said...

Hey, just found your blog via Treasure of Baghdad. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts about all that's going on in the big city. Welcome to the blogosphere. Until your next post, stay safe and good luck!

David said...

Hello Al-Rasheed,

My friend Baghdad Treasure recommended your blog, so I came to check out your writing. You make a good point that the government of Prime Minster Maliki has not yet learned how to be fair to all Iraqi people. I wonder where he is getting the money to distribute to the Shiite victims of bombings? Is it possible that Iran is providing the money? I agree with you that all victims of violent attacks in Iraq should be equally compensated!

Bassam Sebti said...

3ashat eedak 3ala hatha il post.

I totally agree with you, my friend. I just want to add another example of the Yezidis workers who were killed last week. Is Maliki going to compensate them? Of course, not!

btw, there are some bugs flying over your blog. Be careful. They are poisonous. All you need is to use either Peef Puf or Raid! lol

Keep up the good job!

A. Damluji said...

Welcome to the Iraqi Blogodrome: feel free to drop in anytime!
oh and you might want to subscribe to our mailing group on gmail, not that there is much activity there ATM :)

Poor Sancho said...

may i add your blog to my blog roll?

Al-Rasheed Capital said...

Dear Poor Sancho,

By all means.

Poor Sancho said...

Is this true?

"Iraq Reimposes Freeze on Medical Diplomas In Bid to Keep Doctors From Fleeing Abroad"

Al-Rasheed said...

yes it is true and it all started by Orders from Iraqi council of Ministers after the Iraqi Minister of Health complained that they no longer have Doctors at the hospitals.
well the Ministry of Health should have kept their dogs away from the Doctors who were targeted , kidnapped and killed right from the hospitals or from the Minister's office him self. like what Happened to the Director Dyalla province Health department who was sent for by the Minister and he disapeared after getting to the Minister's office and still missing for over a year now.
Do not also forget the Deputy Minister Ammar Al-Saffar who was kidnapped after 2 days from accusing another Deputy minister at the Ministry of Being a big thief, needless to say that that thief is from another " popular Trend".
And now they want he doctors to stay and work for them. and e just like a herd of sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

dgfdsgdsgds said...

Great blog.

dgfdsgdsgds said...

It's funny that CMARii describes your posts as sectarian, when he cheers for bloggers like Messopotamian and Hammorabi, and most recently Shaqawa. LOL.

annie said...

where did you find that lovely picture of maliki? is it my imagination or does it look like he just swallowed a snake that is devouring his insides.

Al-Rasheed said...

well Anni,
Believe it or not , it is the Picture that Maliki's Office posted on the official web site of the Iraqi Prime Minster right on top of Maliki's Biography. Just to be Fear getting the best picture for him.

moonlitetwine said...

just found your blog. congrats!

John Gerard Sapodilla said...

it's nothing personal with Sunnis. All politicians around the world do same .

(Of course Treasure has driven me here, and I hope you don't mind if I repost something from your blog into my webzine)

Poor Sancho said...

So the hospitals are sectarian as well?

Do people not seek medical, or emergency care from fear that a hospital is either sunni or shiite?

Al-Rasheed said...

just to be Fear,

Maliki ordered today that the Victims form the Bombings in Ramadi yesterday should be granted financial compensations. yet I still consider him a sectarian dude and really hope that this is not just a publicity stunt to show that he is not sectarian.

annie said...

it is the Picture that Maliki's Office posted on the official web site

oh my al rasheed, he needs a little hollywood to spruce him up. maybe someone should volunteer to put him out of his misery.

Anuj Varma said...

Al-Rasheed - I watched a cnn documentary on the death penalty in Iraq - and how some potentially innocent women are going to be possibly executed.
Is there a way to get more information on their situation. How would she petition the court about her innocence (it seems her appeal has been denied)?

Any thoughts?


Anuj Varma

Anonymous said...

WWPzJw Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!

Anonymous said...

Mjy31q Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

Hello all!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

Please write anything else!

Anonymous said...

actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

gcVxES Wonderful blog.

Anonymous said...

Good job!